
Space Database has developed systems to ensure high quality work.

Quality Control

Our ISO-9001 quality management system is the linchpin that binds our services and software together and ensures that we consitently deliver Timely Drawings and Trusted Numbers

Technology has made a big difference to the way that buildings are surveyed. High quality lasers have greatly improved accuracy. And now wireless connectivity to portable computers has helped us eliminate the need for note taking and all keyboard-based data entry and transcription.

But quality is not a product of technology alone. At Space Database we pay attention to how people work. Our surveying methodology is ISO 9001:2015 certified. The entire process is designed to ensure quality and accuracy.


We engage external auditors and registrars who inspect and review our processes several times a year. A central aspect of the system is that it requires continual improvement and refinement.

Proceedures for executing work are carefully defined and documented so that all our team members will follow best practices.

We continually measure the performance of our work. Analysis of these measurements as well as input from clients provide feedback for the refinement of the system. These objectively determined improvements are then documented and implemented as the new best practices. The process is continuous and iterative. After many years we have gotten really really good at what we do!